the sewage plant-low poly low-poly 3d model
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the sewage plant-low poly low-poly

the sewage plant-low poly low-poly

by 3dExport
Last crawled date: 1 year, 10 months ago
*high detailed 3d model of sewage plant*
used materials are from v-ray with high quality production settings.
***********low poly and game ready model
total no of count used:
polys: 34,677
verts: 32,767
tris: 65,130
edges: 74,679
count for each waste carrier pipe: {total no of waste carrier pipes used are "7"}
polys: 1,232
verts: 1,264
tris: 2,524
edges: 2,494
count for each waste filter roll:{total no of waste filter roll's are "7"}
polys: 1,952
verts: 1,952
tris: 3,904
edges: 3,904
count for each exhaust pipe: {total no of exhaust pipes are "3"}
polys: 750
verts: 782
tris: 1,560
edges: 1,530
count for main frame[body]:
polys: 383
verts: 392
tris: 780
edges: 773
